Uses up more of those idle resources.

No, there is no reason to use Apache if all you are serving is dynamic pages.

At 06:20 PM 10/1/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>If you're committed to a project where virtually all of the pages will be
>dynamically generated, through JSP most likely, and you're committed to using
>Tomcat, is there ANY good reason to use Apache, in addition to Tomcat?
>I surveyed the FAQ, and I didn't notice this question being specifically
>addressed.  AFAIU, Apache is good for serving static pages or resources.  If
>you're only serving dynamic content, it only serves to complicate the
>deployment, and serves no useful purpose.
>Can anyone give me any opposing viewpoint, assuming a dynamic webapp with
>David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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