Hi, please tell me if fine-grained user access control is possible
in J-T, and if so, how to accomplish it.

I'm using Jakarta-Tomcat version 3.3a on a solaris 8 box.
I have access control enabled such that users of my app must
supply a password; this uses a SimpleRealm with a local file
of users and passwords as specified in the context for my webapp
(in conf/apps-myapp.xml).  To gain access to J-T/webapps/myapp,
users enter a password.  So the first line of defense is working.

However, 'myapp' creates directories for each user under webapps/myapp
where users store their work.  Currently, an authenticated (but
malicious) user can access the files for another user by guessing the
appropriate URL under the J-T webapps/myapp/user directory. This is
the hole we need to close. 

I'm asking about how to restrict access to specific directories.
I have no need to restrict access on a file-by-file basis.

We specify a role for the users, but it's not clear to me that the
role information is used anywhere (?).

I've read the SimpleRealm part of the Server.xml Configuration 
document.  I have scanned the Tomcat Documentation, including the Tomcat
User's Guide, the server configuration, etc.  I've googled the question
with little success (other than some security hole warnings).

I sure hope that I don't have to create an instance of the webapp for
each user!

If it matters, we are using Apache as the front-end, and it forwards
requests on to the J-T server as needed.

Does this have anything to do with Slide (something Google turned up)??

(I don't mean to complain, but I sure would welcome some improvements
in the J-T documentation. :-/)

Thanks in advance, I look forward to hearing from someone.

(cml at cs dot umd dot edu)

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