I'm running Tomcat 4.0.3 standalone and I've tried to enable encryption and 
authentication (BASIC) on a jsp-page. I've currently only tested this with IE 6.

 Without encryption everything works fine. I simply type in the access-restricted URL, 
a BASIC-authentication requester appears, if I don't enter the correct username and 
password the page is not shown. Perfect.

 Then I add the following three lines to my web.xml (inside the security-constraint 


 Again I type in the access-restricted URL. However, this time a requester appears 
stating that from now on a secure link will be used. So far so good I guess, so I 
press the OK-button and to my surprise I am shown a "This page cannot be 
displayed"-message. I wasn't even given a chance to type in my username and password. 
It happens using both BASIC and FORM based authentication.

 What am I doing wrong?

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