MVC is a design pattern not an engine.
If you want to learn about MVC you could visit and
search for design patterns or MVC especifically.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/30 5:40 p.m. >>>
I was wondering how search engin
I suggest you use vectors and beans (collection of beans) to poblate rs
and then close de resultset, and use a class to connect to database
(jdbchelper class), i send you an example:
// Obtiene la informacion acerca de la empresa
public Vector
I think your problem is not with war files, instead relatives paths.
Relatives paths have been a problem for me too.
I decided to use the context and a absolute path instead.
Try with this example:
1. including a context within a jsp file (include file ...)
<%@ include file="/contextoPaginasG
Try with:
in your login jsp page.
be careful with 'servlet' not servlets', because servlet is virtual
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/24 9:55 a.m. >>>
I am a new Tomcat user and I am having trouble accessing my servlet
I am getting the following error:
"The reque