
I'm having a "newbie" related issue with tomcat, but I feel it is more
related to the J2RE than to tomcat itself.

I have tried installing tomcat on 3 systems today, and although the install
appears to be successfull, whenever I try to execute any of the enclosed JSP
examples, I get a huge (long) exception error

I haven't been able to find this exact error on google, nor on the jakarta
website's faq.

The systems I've tried it on:

fresh redhat 7.3, x86, (everything installed [3 cd's worth! {bad idea, i
older redhat 7.2, x86, (very spartan install)
win xp pro, x86, (too much junk to count)

I've tried j2re version's 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 on all three systems.

On the linux systems, j2re installed itself into /usr/java/jre-1.3.1_03 (and
something similar for 1.4), which I symlinked to /usr/java/jdk for the
JAVA_HOME env varible, as well as the similar line in the tomcat3.conf file

On the windows box, I told j2re to install to c:\java\jdk and tomcat
unzipped into c:\java\tomcat ... I also did a set JAVA_HOME="c:\java\jdk"
prior to running startup.bat just to be sure.

Any thoughts I what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


exception (as reported by tomcat 4):
javax.servlet.ServletException: sun/tools/javac/Main
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
   at Source)

root cause (as reported by tomcat 4):
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main
   at Source)

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