I through I'd try re-explaining an issue I didn't get
an answer on before. Hopefully this is clearer!
I've deployed two apps to a single instance of Tomcat
v5.0.25. Both apps are deployed as the default app
for their respective domains (i.e. ) The app deployed to www.mydomain.com does not
use a
I have a login form that works fine in my local
development environment with a single webapp deployed
to the default localhost "host". However, in a hosted
environment with multiple "host"s defined in my
server.xml Tomcat returns a 404 response and a blank
page. The html form follows the servlet
-Original Message-----
From: Jon Wilmoth
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 7:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: JNDI Context Environment settings?
If accessing a Tomcat (4.1.27 in my case) jndi tree from another jvm
(i.e. command line) what values sho
If accessing a Tomcat (4.1.27 in my case) jndi tree from another jvm
(i.e. command line) what values should I use for
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, Context.PROVIDER_URL, etc. for Tomcat?
I believe 4.x has a JDNI implementation, but the description of how to
attach to it externally is not very g
I'd like to be able to encrypt the database passwords used in the JDBC
pool configuration block. Is this possible in 4.1.27? 5.x? Something as
simple as base64 encoding would be fine, I just can't store it as easy
to read plain text.