Hello all,
I'm a newbie in mailing user list. My post is relationship with threads in
Tomcat Server 5.0. Over Debian Linux v3.0 rc 2, threads are shown like
processes; many processes are shown in process list command (ps -aux). We
think that most of them, except one or two are threads, are depending of one
process (JVM). When Tomcat starts up, several processes (threads in reality)
rise up; but totally number is bigger than the parameters specified in
"server.xml". In this file ("server.xml") parameters like "maxThreads,
minSpareThreads, maxSpareThreads" are used to sign the maximum and the
minimum processes in the JVM. In fact, when we see the process list, process
count is larger than the value of these parameters.
Are there any solution about limit the process or threads count?. Remember
that Tomcat "server.xml" parameters don`t work.
Thanks very much.

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