Re: STILL need help w. Tomcat installation!!

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Locasto
Steve, I'm not sure the syntax of JAVA_HOME=j2sdk* is correct. I'm not sure what effect that's going to have, if any. I don't like setting up env variables like that globally b/c they're subject to change and an old one can get you hours of frustration during a new install while you overlook it.

Re: XML parsing error on file /WEB-INF/web.xml

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Locasto
Jill, In Tomcat 4.0.4, line 436 of AuthenticatorBase is: snip ((HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest()).getUserPrincipal(); /snip That Error is Thrown when a particular method cannot be found. so make sure your CLASSPATH doesn't contain conflicting JAR files or classes, for instance, from

Re: automatically serve index.jsp

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Locasto
Mike, I think there was discussion on tomcat-dev about this issue (with jk2) recently (~2/3 weeks ago)... there should also be a bug report in bugzilla. Try searching both those archives. Of course, it's been a while and I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation because it didn't

Re: tomcat performance and load capability

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Locasto
- Our provider has uttered that running it on two machines (Solaris), one containing the apache web server, the other server hosting tomcat would be the way to do it. Since only a few popup's are HTML and all other pages have to be handled by Tomcat anyway (I would say more than 80% off

Re: important help

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Locasto
This is more of a problem with the way your application is architected, rather than Tomcat. The java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurs when the JVM cannot allocate any space for a new object, and the garbage collector cannot collect any unused heap space. That's is the low-level reason the

Re: DB2/servlet error....Help need please

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Locasto
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:38 PM Subject: RE: DB2/servlet errorHelp need please I am trying to access servlet via Tomcat as well as WebSphere... If it runs with one it will run with other

Re: cant find jk_nt_service.exe for tomcat 3.3.1

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Locasto 386/ states that: Note for jk_nt_server.exe users: Before using the default conf/jk/ file found in Tomcat 3.3.1, you must ensure that the wrapper.jvm.options property is non-blank, or the

Re: memory management

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Locasto
Brian, Depending on your version of Tomcat, you open catalina.bat (or .sh) or tomcat.bat (or .sh) and edit the environment varible JAVA_OPTS, adding the string of '-Xblahblabhlbha...' params. There is also CATALINA_OPTS, where I guess you can add the same. Regards, Michael - Original

Re: DB2 and servlet ??? Help !!!

2002-08-01 Thread Michael Locasto
Hi, Assuming this is the SQL you want to submit: try{ stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(SELECT empno from db2admin.employee); shouldn't it be if( ){ do{ count++;

Re: DB2 and servlet ??? Help !!!

2002-08-01 Thread Michael Locasto
Hi, Your parameter is '012', while it appears that the employeenumbers in your database are more like: empno= 000150 quote BROWSER OUTPUT --- paramater passed is 012 Count is0 Found the JDBC driver Driver is properly loaded and registered Connection URL is good

Re: DB2 and servlet ??? Help !!!

2002-08-01 Thread Michael Locasto
...and I'm an idiot, because the SQL statement doesn't filter by them, so it's quite inconsequential, really. :) rs = stmt.executeQuery(SELECT empno from db2admin.employee); Michael - Original Message - From: Michael Locasto [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Tomcat 4.04 and JDBC

2002-07-30 Thread Michael Locasto
Hi Tom, You need to be a tad more specific about the nature of your problem (error codes, exception messages, stacktraces, log entries) so folks can have a decent shot at replying with something resembling a valid answer ;) My best guess is that your JDBC Driver is probably not being seen by

Re: TC and applicationwide beans

2002-07-29 Thread Michael Locasto
If you need only one instance, how about some sort of static factory that creates one instance of your bean JVM-wide? - Original Message - From: Power-Netz (Schwarz) [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 10:56 AM Subject: AW: TC and

Re: warp connector and number of connecionst

2002-07-29 Thread Michael Locasto
to run Tomcat standalone or behind a webserver. Regards, Michael Locasto - Original Message - From: Milt Epstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 10:59 AM Subject: Re: warp connector and number of connecionst On Mon

Re: tomcat connectoras 4.1.7

2002-07-29 Thread Michael Locasto
Hi, From Note: The tar files in this distribution use GNU tar extensions, and must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar. The version of tar on Solaris and Mac OS X will not work with these files. Hope that