Haberman-san wrote:

> I can't get tomcat 3.1 to run under freebsd 
> 3.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 3.4
> Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_RC4, green threads, sunwjit)

I have not problem running the native FreeBSD port of 1.2.2
on FreeBSD 4.1-RELEASE.

Have a look at


for the patchset.  Koster-san has prepared an excellent tutorial
on getting it all compiles at:


Also, I see that you have a JIT running.  Was that JIT compiled
for the Linux JDK 1.2.2?  Or was it compiled for the native

> Here's the message I get When I try to connect 
> Error reading request Resource temporarily unavailable: Resource temporarily una
> vailable

Do you know what resource it is talking about?  Is it a 
ResourceBundle?  Is it in your 1.1.8 classpath, but not your
1.2.2 classpath and/or tomcap classpath?

Michael Westbay
Work: Beacon-IT http://www.beacon-it.co.jp/
Home:           http://www.seaple.icc.ne.jp/~westbay
Commentary:     http://www.japanesebaseball.com/

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