Please help,

Have installed Tomcat 3.2.1 successfully on W2K and all examples
work fine.  JSPs and servlets that we create also are hunky dory.

The problem - beans do not work for me.

I reference the bean in the JSP in the usual way (have tried
it with and without the import):

<%@ page import = "icegroup.beans.MyBean" %>
<jsp:usebean id="mytestbean" class="icegroup.beans.MyBean"/>

<jsp:getProperty name="mytestbean" property="mystring"/>

The error that results when I run the JSP is:
   org.apache.jasper.JasperException:  Attempted a bean operation on a null object.

I have the bean class in my WEB-INF\classes directory (have also
  tried it in WEB-INF\classes\icegroup\beans).  Have also tried
  setting the CLASSPATH directly to the class folder in the Tomcat
  startup script.  ( The bean code is  shown below for completeness. )

I have been digging into docs and forums for a couple of days
on this one so your ideas and help are greatly appreciated.


Rick Palmer
IceGroup, Inc.


package icegroup.beans;

public class MyBean implements
  private int myint;
  private String mystring;

    public MyBean()
      myint = 1;
      mystring = "MyBean Generated String";

    public int getMyint()
    { return myint; }

    public void setMyint(int i)
    { myint = i; }

    public String getMystring()
    { return mystring; }

    public void setMystring(String s)
    { mystring = s; }

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