Hi ,


I've looked up the archives and seen some related postings, but it is
not clear what the answer to my problem is. I am running Tomcat 4.0.4 on
Windows and running Java 1.3.1.


I have a standalone program which listens on a JMS topic. It locates the
topic via the following:


                                    Context jndiContext = new

connectionFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory)

                                    Topic topic = (Topic)

This works correctly.


I want a servlet running on Tomcat to send messages to the same JMS
topic. There are no EJBs involved and hence I have the jms.jar in the
Web-INF/lib directory of the webapp. The servlet fails to locate the
TopicConnectionFactory as it "is not bound in this context" within


What context should I be using? In a previous version of Tomcat, when
using EJBs I used the
com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory. When I try to use
this context I get an error saying that Tomcat cannot instance this
class. When I put the j2ee.jar in the WEB-INF lib, it blows up.


So the questions are:


1.For a servlet to send messages to a JMS topic (without needing access
to EJBs) what context factory should be used (I have J2EE RI available)?

2. If the answer is com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
for the J2EE RI, how do I get the Tomcat classloader to see the






Sean MacRoibeaird

OpenJaw Technologies Ltd.

Guinness Enterprise Centre

Taylor's Lane

Dublin 8, Ireland


Office Phone: +353 1 4100 681

Mobile: +353 87 6099942


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