    I have Netscape Enterprise Server3.5.1 and Tomcat.  I have configure Netscape Enterprise Server3.5.1 to handle tomcat for Servlet and Jsp.  It is working fine.  Now, i would like to install ssl.  Where do i to install ssl whether in Netscape Server or Tomcat Servlet Engine.  I think i need to install into tomcat because webserver just forwarding its request to tomcat without doing any validation.  Could you any one tell me whether it is correct or wrong?
Thanx in Adv.
Sridharan Kuppa
Software Engineer,
RealNet Solutions Inc,
485 Northlake Dr, #101
San Jose, CA 95117.
Phone : 408-241-5204(Home)
           : 408-468-4454(Office)
Url      : www.kuppa.net

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