localhost ok - how I set up in a real host?

2005-03-17 Thread abramian
Hi I succesfully executed a tutorial form servlet in the computer. Now I want to try it on a web host. But, I am using a free host (beplaced.com) that I don't know if accepts java servlets. Questions: 1) How do I know if the server accepts java servlets? 2) I imagine if they do they have to run

Access Denied, now what?

2005-03-13 Thread Ing. Jorge E. Abramian
Hi everybody,   I was trying to install Tomcat 5.5.8 for a few days now with no results. I am using win 98 SE. This is the result of the run when I execute the start.pif generated when I changed the memory variable of the start.bat   CATALINA_BASE:   C:\archivos de programa\java\jakarta-tomc