
I have a serious problem about using the ISAPI redirector server plugin.

We want to use a UNIX machine as Tomcat server and a Windows Machine with
IIS as the WEB server.
We installed the hole Tomcat distribution an the UNIX machine and getting
results when accessing the WEB server on the UNIX machine. So I think it is
up and running.

The Problem is that we are not able to use the ISAP reditrector to serve
jsp-files on the Windows machine.
I installed the redirector like it is told in the "Tomcat IIS HowTo":

1.) I installed a standard IIS on the NT Machine with SP6a.
2.) I just copied the 3 files isapi_redirect.dll (to
d:\jakarta-tomcat\bin\win32\i386), uriworkermap.properties and
workers.properties (both to d:\jakarta-tomcat\conf) to the Windows machine.
I did not copy the whole TOMCAT files to the server and I did not install a
JDK on the machine because Tomcat is completely installed on the UNIX
3.) Then I configured the ISAPI redirecto with all the Registry-Keys etc.
4.) Then I copied the following files from the Tomcat release 3.2.1 to the
IIS Root: \jakarta-tomcat\doc\appdev\sample\web\*.*

When I try to call http://[Servername]/index.html I get the correct page.
But I get no result from the hello.jsp and therefore from the UNIX machine
with tomcat.

Can you help me by telling me how to setup the redirector correctly and
testing it.

> Thanks and best regards
> Dirk.
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