Dear Tomcat-users,
                               Could anyone please help me resolve this

I have a Servlet named MyServlet. The MyServlet keeps running on my
server all the time. When my client sends a request via a doPost request
the servlet forwards the request to my server. Subsequently  my client
sends a doGet request. After this in the servlet  i register a listener
and keep waiting to get the responses from my server for the previous
requests and write it to  the client when i receive them.

When i close my client application, in the servlet the doGet still waits
in the infinite loop for getting the responses. Can i in anyway specify
the servlet about the non-availability of the client.

Suppose if i start my client again and repeat the process(this time I
unregister the previously registered listeners), i get a IO Exception at
output stream's write() method. This i believe is due to the fact that
the infinite loop which i started for the previous client request is
still alive.

Is there anyway to resolve this issue. Or is there anyway in Tomcat that
i reload the servlet everytime the client sends a request.

Anyhelp in this regard is highly appreciated.

with regards

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