Hi All,
I am facing a critical problem in our Application.The Application is running "Apache Tomcat 4.0.1" running on Linux.
The problem is Apache Tomcat stalls and there is no further output from the "tail -f catalina.out" and no further processiong in the Application.
As soon as the Tomcat started/application servlet is loaded we are invoking a thread which in turn instantiates a swing timer class and executes a method periodically with a predefined interval.and the particular method readmail() expects,looks for any new mails from a predefined remote POP3 directory.Everthing works fine,the new mails are fetched from the particular directory and processed further until the catalina.out output freezes/stops.
We even checked or handled the situation when there is no internet connection but not did any thing for the poor network bandwidth.Earlier Tomcat startup.sh was giving an exception that said something about missing "X environment and awt component" while we tried to run the application on a server which didn't have X windows,then to rectify the problem we added a "-Djava.awt.headless=true" option to the CATALINA_OPTS in the catalina.sh(start up script of the Apache Tomcat Server)
Now please help me spotting out the problem.
Is Apache Tomcat Server Stalls because of the
a) "-Djava.awt.headless=true" option in CATALINA_OPTS
b) Due to the startup Thread locking
c) or due to the poor bandwidth conditions
d) or due to the Swing Timer Component
Please help us in resolving this critical problem?
Advance Thanks,

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