DirServlet and FancyDirServlet are drop-in replacements
for o.a.c.s.DefaultServlet that provide enhanced directory
index generation.

The contexts of the gzip'ed tar file and the zip file are
identical. The tar file is smaller but some Windows users
may be happier with the zip:

  Unix users:

  Windows users:

DirServlet is a very basic example. It extends
DefaultServlet and overrides just the directory listing
methods. To keep it simple, there is almost no formatting
code, so the listings it generates are fairly ugly.
However, it includes all the necessary skeleton code for
getting the directory entries, sorting them, including
headers, etc.

FancyDirServlet has more formatting code. The goal is to
reproduce much of the functionality of Apache httpd's
mod_autoindex. It's nowhere near finished.

The is a prerelease. It has only been tested against my
personal out-of-synch copy of Catalina HEAD. It may not
work for you. If it doesn't, I'd like to hear about it.
If it does, I'd like to hear about it.  

Thanks, and good luck.

Christopher St. John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DistribuTopia http://www.distributopia.com

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