Although there is nothing wrong in principle with doing this, I
***strongly*** urge you to write your applications in a manner that does
not depend on it.  Otherwise, you are locked in to Tomcat forever, because
there is no guarantee you will be able to control the current working
directory of any other server.

Also, patches should be posted to the TOMCAT-DEV list to make sure that
they get noticed.


On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, chris brown wrote:

> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:09:25 +0200
> From: chris brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: tomcat-user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [TC4-RC1/NT] Running as an NT service: Tomcat looks for
>     server.xml in wrong place - FIXED!
> I've fixed the problem myself.  I had to modify (only slightly) the scripts
> supplied with JavaService 1.2.0, by specifying the "current" directory from
> which to launch Tomcat 4.0.  See the modified version below (sorry for any
> line breaks...).
> -Chris
> @echo off
> echo --------
> echo Usage:   %0 jdk_home tomcat_home (classic/hotspot/server)
> echo NOTE:    You MAY NOT use spaces in the path names. If you know how
> echo          to fix this, please tell me.
> echo          JDK 1.3 does not come with hotpot server by default, you must
> echo          install this seperately if you wish to use it.
> echo Example: %0 c:\progra~1\jdk c:\progra~1\tomcat hotspot
> echo --------
> if "%1" == "" goto eof
> if "%2" == "" goto eof
> if "%3" == "" goto eof
> copy JavaService.exe %2\bin\CatalinaService.exe > nul
> %2\bin\CatalinaService.exe -install Catalina
> %1\jre\bin\%3\jvm.dll -Djava.class.path=%2\bin\bootstrap.jar;%2\bin\servlet.
> jar;%1\lib\tools.jar -Dcatalina.home=%2 -start
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params start -stop
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params stop -out
> %2\logs\stdout.log -err %2\logs\stderr.log -current %2
> goto eof
> :eof

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