Hi all,

It seems that META-INF/context.xml is treated differently by WAR and
directory deployments, at least in tomcat 5.0.30-beta.

Looking at HostConfig.java, the method 'deployWARs' checks each '.war'
file for a META-INF/context.xml file (line 528) and if it exists, it
is copied to the catalina configuration directory (line 546).

However, no such processing occurs in the method 'deployDirectories'. 
Each directory in appBase is checked for a WEB-INF subdirectory, but
that is all (line 683).

Is this the desired behavior?  Am I missing some other piece of the puzzle?

For me it's troublesome since I'm using the MyEclipse Tomcat deployer
that just does a (more-or-less) simple copy of the project directory
to the webapp directory.  This means that I have to copy the
META-INF/context.xml file by hand to the configuration directory every
time I modify it.  While not a huge problem, it's inconvenient and
were it automatic it would be easier to convince people where I work
that moving to Tomcat is a good idea. :-)


Ian Flanigan

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