Hi all,

I'm relatively new to Tomcat so please excuse any silly errors.

I've installed Tomcat/4.1.24 onto a 2k platform and have been building an
Intranet site. I've kept the installation standard so it lives in the
Tomcat_Home/Webapps/ROOT folder(s).  The site now includes JavaScript and
SQL+Java Servlets.  Everything is running fine up to this point.

For reasons of 'monitoring usefulness' I've been asked to add a hit counter
(Ugh, I know.  I hate the things). Although I know I can do this using the
technologies above, I thought I'd try an applet.  The class works fine on
the server machine in all cases.  The html file is in the
Tomcat_Home/Webapps/ROOT folder as is the Counter.class file.  I understand
the applet tag, so therefore the codebase option.

But this applet does not load on any client machines.  I've read all the
achieved mails about the WEB-INF folder etc and which folders are not
visible though Tomcat for the client to access applets.  But no matter which
folder I place the html and class in, the problem still exists.

Based on the fact that I've read all the articles I can find on this topic,
can someone please fill in the missing link?

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