TR: Black magic Authentication Digest and JDBC Realm on Tomcat 4.0.3

2002-06-12 Thread PATTUS Jean-Philippe
Nobody for my little pb, should i try black magic? > -Message d'origine- > De: PATTUS Jean-Philippe [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Date: mercredi 12 juin 2002 10:46 > À:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Objet: Authentication Digest and JDBC Realm on Tomcat 4.0.3 > &g

Authentication Digest and JDBC Realm on Tomcat 4.0.3

2002-06-12 Thread PATTUS Jean-Philippe
Hello, I'm working on Tomcat 4.0.3. i'm trying to put an authentication on my web app, if the auth-method is BASIC and the Realm is it works fine. But, if i replace BASIC by DIGEST, my authentication is KO. I've seen in the code that JDBCRealm::getPassword() always return null!!! How