Hi, I am perplexed at this interesting problem. We want to use JDBCRealm to authenticate users in Tomcat, but yet we want to serve static stuff via Apache to improve performance. If we set up Tomcat as a worker for Apache using the JK2 connector, I don't see how requests for static files are going to be authenticated via JDBCRealm, since Tomcat doesn't even know about these static requests in the first place due to the fact that Apache handles them right away without dispatching them to Tomcat. I'm thinking that if we could somehow set up Apache to be a worker for Tomcat, and Tomcat received all requests and dispatched those that are static to Apache, then all requests would be authenticated via JDBCRealm. But I don't know how to do that neither if this is possible at all. Do you have any ideas on how to authenticate "every request" with JDBCRealm yet serve only static stuff with Apache.
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