I'm having a problem that I was unable to find any info on in the documentation or the 
mailing list archives.

I've set up Basic Authentication with Tomcat 4.1.27 and an Oracle LDAP server.  I've 
got this working just fine but what I really want is Form-Based Authentication which 
has thus far eluded me.

When I switch the authentication method through the applications web.xml file, I 
manage to get the correct login screen (so I know that the new xml file is being 
deployed.)  When I enter the same name and password that worked with basic 
authentication, however, I get the error page that I specified.  

It should also be noted that in the working basic case, the catalina.out file shows 
all sorts of activity (connecting to LDAP server, plus the attempt to authenticate the 
user, etc.)  When I switch to form, I only see the initial (successful) connection to 
the LDAP server.  It appears that Tomcat is not even attempting to verify the 
information anymore.  This makes me think this is either a Tomcat bug or I've 
configured Tomcat incorrectly (as opposed to there being a problem with my LDAP setup.)

Any thoughts?  TIA

- sean 

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