Hi all.

Currently, I have a secure web application with Apache + mod_ssl and it does work fine. I would like change to Tomcat with security constraints for directories (with client authentication). For this, I would like to protect a resource with a MemoryRealm. I'm following these steps:
1. Open <tomcat>/conf/server.xml and uncomment the following line:
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryReal"/>
2. Open <tomcat>/webapps/demo/WEB-INF/web.xml to add the following security constraint:

3. In <tomcat>/conf/tomcat-users-xml I have the following user:
<user username="CN=anon, OU=OU test, O=O test, C=ES" password="" roles="tomcat"/>
The username is the same that the certificate's distinguished name.
Stop and restart the Tomcat server. When I open the URL: https://localhost:8443 I obtain the error: HTTP Status 403 - Cannot authenticate with the provided credentials

Can somebody help me in my error??

Thanks for advance and regards.


Tomcat: version 4.1.18 with SSL
SO: Red Hat 7.3

Manuel Gil Pérez - Proyecto m-PISCIS
DIIC - Dpto. Ingeniería de la Información y las Comunicaciones
Facultad de Informática - Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
Tfo: +34 968228258

ANTS Research Group - http://ants.dif.um.es

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