I installed Tomcat 5.0 a few weeks ago on a WinXP system. Set system  Environment 
variables $CATALINA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Tomcat 5.0 &  JAVA_HOME to 

Whenever I click the "Tomcat Administration" link under the Start button, I get a 
panel requesting the User name & Password to connect me to After 3 tries, I get the "Unauthorized" panel.

I am using the minimal server.xml file with no GlobalNamingResources, service name, 
connector port assignment, host name & logger settings inside engine tags. I also set 
memoryrealm so the manager can use Tomcat-user.xml to validate the username & 
password. There are no error messages in the "Logs" folder. What am I doing wrong?

                                             Alvin Randolph

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