Hi all,

After many hours spent armwrestling with jk_nt_service and Tomcat 4, I concluded that 
they just don't like each other.  Someone had posted a link to a wrapper.properties 
file that supposedly worked with Tomcat 4, but as far as I could tell, they were still 
using the Tomcat 3 startup class.  Whenever I pointed jk_nt_service to the startup 
class used by Catalina, it failed.

For those of you that need it, I modified the catalina.bat file to provide a simple 
interface to tomcat.exe, which installs Tomcat as a service.  You can use this file 
just the way you use startup.bat or catalina.bat- just set the environment variables 
and execute the script, i.e. set CATALINA_HOME, CATALINA_BASE, CATALINA_OPTS, 
JAVA_HOME and JSSE_HOME.  For simple installations, all you need are CATALINA_HOME and 

If you run it alone, it will give usage information.

The URL is http://www.vgalleries.com/misc/catalina_as_nt_service.shtml

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


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