I would like some clarifications about handling authentication in a

it seems to me the simplest way to authenticate users is using form base
auth, in conjunction with declarative security (declaring
resources/roles in web.xml); the main problem with this approach in my
opinion is handling several login pages, for example; moreover, in order
to allow authentication to be performed on the home page, you need to
"force" the client to make a request to a protected page (correct??!!),
which seems not so clean!! 
I read something about JAAS, but didn't understand, for example, once
logged in what should be done with the Subject object obtained after the
login process!!! Following requests are automatically recognized coming
from an authenticated user, as with normal form based auth ?? I'm a
little confused about all this stuff... The main goals I have are:

Allow login from the home page
Allow login from several pages (I can specify only one login page in
web.xml !)
Make all this in a clean way (for example not redirecting the user to a
reserved page for making tomcat present the login page !!)

Thanks everyone

Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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