-- this is my 4th attempt to answer a question please disregard if youve
seen it already :) --

To make changes to tomcat under jboss you must edit tomcat41-service.xml not
server.xml; changes made to the server.xml will not be used by tomcat.
The Tomcat bundled with JBoss uses the tomcat41-service.xml file, located in
your /deploy directory of the selected configuration set. This file should
be nearly identical to a regular server.xml.

Might i suggest that you purchase the JBoss 3.0 Handbook for further
details, this book kicks ASS!

And no i dont get any kickbacks.. :(

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Jboss to parse exsisting tomcat server.xml ...

Can any one tell me ( or give me ) an example of how to make jboss
parse my existing tomcat server.xml file ???
jboss 3.0.X and tomcat 4.1.18..... ( windows / linux )

Thanks & Regards
Guru :-)

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