Hello, im running a servlet within a Context with as docroot "/foo" and as docbase 
The servlet im using is defined in the /bar/WEB-INF/web.xml file, and is activated on 
a url pattern.
So it is very obvious i want to retieve the file which activated this servlet 
(absolute on the filesystem itselve)

I tried the following:

String currentFilePath = 

When i request the  http://localhost:8080/foo/appel.moes and the servlet is triggered 
on *.moes, and the file is actually located at /bar/appel.moes, the above code will 
return that i'm The file that i requested was /bar/foo/appel.moes which is incorrect.

Is this the wanted behavour, and when it is so, how do i get the location of the file 
which im actually resolving?

Eduard Witteveen        Systeemontwikkelaar NOS Internet
Mediacentrum Kamer 203, tel. +31(0)35 6773059

Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? : The sixth Satire from Juvenal

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