Hi My Tomcat/4.0-m5 is running on Win2k in standalone mode. I've installed virtual hosts and have tried to install cocoon as shown on its install site. But - maybe it's for Tomcat/3.2 - it doesn't work. It is said to add simply the lines below: <Context path="/cocoon" docBase="webapps/cocoon" debug="0" reloadable="true" > </Context> and to copy the cocoon.jar and xerces.jar to the Tomcat's lib directory. This works fine unless I am using another URL then http://[host]/cocoon/[path/to].xml. So, what can I do to add Cocoon support for all hosts including it's root directory and deeper??? Regards, Christian Parpart <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SurakWare http://www.surakware.com