Hi all,

    There was an option to enable tag pooling in tomcat 3.3. Is the same 
functionality still available in tomcat4.0.4 or 4.1.7 beta. I downloaded 
both and was not able to find any provision in the corresponding 
server.xml files. Can someone tell me whether tag pooling support is 
provided or not. If yes how can i achieve it.

    Another thing is that i have a jsp page with lot of custom tags. 
When i access this particular page while running tomcat4.0.4, the page 
is getting served properly. But if the same page is run using 
tomcat4.1.7 beta i get a nullpointer exception in my tag at the 
following line given in bold letters.

    public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException
        catch(IOException e)
            throw new JspTagException(e.getMessage());
        return Tag.EVAL_PAGE;

    In the page i may use the tag as
or as
    My tag extends BodyTagSupport. Here i dont know the reason for 
bodyContent being null. Is there any change between 4.0.4 and 4.1.7 
versions of tomcat in the handling of tags.

    In my page i have the following set of tags
<tag 1>
    <tag 2/>
    <tag 2/>
    <tag 2/>

    Here the tag1 is an iteration tag. There are conditions present such 
that only one of the tag2 will be executed during every execution.The 
out put will be a table with 5 columns. In tomcat4.1.7 beta alone the 
page is getting displayed with nearly 15 columns with all the columns 
duplicated 3 to 4 times. It seems that the tags are getting ececuted 
everytime. Have i missed out something in my tomcat configuration. It 
would be of great help if someone can tell me where i went wrong.

Thanks in Advance

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