After doing some more investigation, I've found the following.

If the webapp is not present when Tomcat is started, but webapps/MyApp.xml 
exists, the <Context> in the xml file will be added to server.xml when MyApp 
is deployed.  Although the <Context> is added to server.xml, the deploy 
fails, reporting "Application already exists at path /MyApp"--in other 
words, the configuration for the application is present but the app itself 

In order to get MyApp.war onto the server, it's necessary to undeploy the 
webapp, which removes the <Context> from server.xml, and deploy it again... 
except the new deployment ignores the <Context> in MyApp.xml and uses only 
the defaults in the webapp's web.xml file.

So it's a Catch-22 situation: either you have the local configuration and no 
app, or the app and no local configuration.

(This is all with 4.1.4; the release notes in 4.1.5 don't seem to indicate 
any changes that would affect the behaviour.)

Peter J.

Peter Janes wrote:
> Oops... it *was* actually there, I just snipped it accidentally while 
> making the file more generic for the list.  The actual <Context> tag 
> I've been using is:
> <Context path="/MyApp" 
> docBase="../work/Standalone/localhost/manager/MyApp.war" debug="1" 
> cookies="false" override="true">
> I've also tried docBase="../work/Standalone/localhost/LG.war", since the 
> app isn't actually part of "manager".
> (Also, because I didn't include the information before, I'm using Tomcat 
> 4.1.4 under Java 1.4.)
> Thanks,
> Peter J.
> Jacob Kjome wrote:
>> Hello Peter,
>> You have no appBase attribute on your <context> element.  You need to
>> point that to your deployed directory or .war file.
>> Jake
>> Monday, June 17, 2002, 1:46:04 PM, you wrote:
>> PJ> I seem to recall that remotely-deployed web apps can be configured 
>> locally PJ> starting in the Servlet 2.3 spec.  (Unfortunately I can't 
>> find chapter and PJ> verse at the moment.)  The gist is that a config 
>> fragment is placed in the PJ> webapps directory with the same basename 
>> as the path, and this would be used PJ> as well as/instead of the 
>> .war's embedded web.xml.  In fact, I can see this PJ> being done for 
>> the "manager" webapp, which is locally configured in PJ> 
>> ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/manager.xml.
>> PJ> I'd like to be able to do this with my own application, but 
>> haven't had any PJ> luck.  I'm trying to add an init parameter, "foo", 
>> and redirect the app's PJ> log messages to its own file.  Presuming 
>> the path is "/MyApp", I have the PJ> following config fragment in 
>> ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/MyApp.xml.
>> PJ> <Context path="/MyApp" debug="1" cookies="false" override="true">
>> PJ>          <Parameter name="foo" value="bar" override="true"/>
>> PJ>          <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
>> PJ>                  prefix="MyApp." suffix=".log" pattern="common"/>
>> PJ> </Context>
>> PJ> I've tried turning debug on and off, setting override to true and 
>> false (is PJ> it just me, or does the double-negative in the 
>> deployment descriptor PJ> documentation confuse anyone else), and 
>> enabling various combinations of the PJ> Parameter and Valve elements, 
>> and completely restarting the server, all with PJ> no luck.
>> PJ> It seems unlikely, but do I need to create a 
>> ServletContextListener or PJ> ServletContextAttributeListener to pick 
>> up the extra init parameters?
>> PJ> Is there (hopefully) some fundamental step I've missed?
>> PJ> Thanks,
>> PJ> Peter J.

fix, n., v.  What one does when a problem has been reported too many
times to be ignored.
   --The New Hacker's Dictionary, 3rd ed.

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