I know I saw the info on this topic somewhere, but for the life of me, I can not relocate it.. (can not come up with the magic search strings...)

I have various subdirectories under webapps that are configured as separate hosts and contexts

i.e. /webapps/someapp

In that directory I have a web application and I want the setup the Manager for stopping and starting this app..

Using the example for the localhost context I saw the alias

Alias /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/../server/webapps/manager

..along with all the related settings...

Since my webapp is in  /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/someapp/

I tried..

Alias /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/someapp/../../server/webapps/manager

.. along with related settings... No joy.. it dropped the first "../" and still can not track to that alias directory..

So am I chasing my tail..<G> And/or can some point me to that phantom discusson on setting up the manager for other host/context/ subdirectories...



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