I have some more information regarding my app in 4.12 crashing the JVM (both
1.3 and 1.4. Both Server and Client).

Quick history is that I'm trying to port a WAR from 3.2 to 4.12, and the JVM
is faulting with an internal error.

I went and added

java -verbose:class -verbose:gc

in $JAVA_OPTS in order to get a glimpse of what's going on inside the JVM
before it explodes on us.

Initially, I found that the JVM was crashing while it was loading a
particular class. I determined this by seeing the [Loaded com.app.Class]
message from the -verbose:class option.

I changed that class by adding a dummy method to it and recompiling.

void dummyMethod() { }

On my next run, it seem to load that class ok, but the JVM still crashes
later on.

What I noticed at that point was that it was crashing after it had loaded a
class the SECOND time.

It looked like this:

[Loaded com.app.ClassA]
[Loaded com.app.ClassB]
[Loaded com.app.ClassA]

I did some quick analysis and found that several classes were "loading

How can this be? They're not being GCd away and then reloaded. Could it be
that two different class loaders are loading the same class, and that's what
this is showing?

Any pointers would be appreciated. I know I've been really fighting class
loader issues trying to port this application, so maybe it has something to
do with the JVM crashing.


Best Regards,

Will Hartung

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