Most people already know what MVC is, once you know what it is, here is the next step. Presenting will be the popular frameworks and components in use by 8 speakers:

-Ted Husted – Author – Struts Chains/2.0 – the dominant framework in use, from Ziff Davis, to Apple Store to most large commercial sites.

-Rod Johnson – Author – EJB/Spring

-Christophe Coenraets – Flex-MacroMedia - “back to rich UI w/SOA” (Great blog entry on Struts + Flex)

-Howard Lewis Ship – Author – HiveMind (SOA, IOC, AOP) – commonly referred to as “the next big thing”

-Clinton Begin – DAO/iBatis/SQLMaps – the best DAO layer
imo, used by Spring, jPetStore, basicPortal, etc.

-Matt Raible – Author – displayTag/strutsMenu – (displayTag is my favorite J2EE component)

-Jason Carreira – WebWork 2

- Vic Cekvenich – Author – basicPortal (J2EZ – easy and simple to customize application for membership, portal, cms, community, store, etc. using bestPractices for large, profitable commercial sites. )

+ more
You will get a CD mailed to you once you register.

April 3rd from 8AM to 7PM in NYC at, next to MSG. Advertised in JDJ, NY Times, etc. My guess is that you won’t find half as many good sessions at Sun’s Java One.
It $99 to register now at, in a few day's price keeps going up.

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