At home:

P4 2.8HT, 1.25Gb, ~200gb in various drives, 1x17" LCD, 1x19" Trinitron @
1280x1024(colour palettes on the Sony), leaning required to watch the
Simpsons, close to beer supply in kitchen (small apartment). Nice view of
the Story Bridge. Lousy Dodo 1/2 meg ADSL :) Big mofo Sony stereo for mp3
goodness, and a tablet for photoshop.

At the office:

Celery (non D) 2.6, 512mb, 40gb, 17" Samsung LCD (12ms, but nice
nonetheless). Enough for work (and quake 3 on Fridays) but nothing to write
home about.

Various servers ranging from gutless old p2s, to the mighty Darwin (assloads
of ram, a couple of xeons, you can hear the fans spool up from the other
side of town)

IntelliJ, MySQL (lousy opensource zealots ;-)), CVS *shudder*



"Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the
right circumstances he could be the baddest mother in the world."

Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald :: Pirion Systems, Brisbane

07 3257 0490 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Crowther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 26 April 2005 6:20 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: [OT] RE: development environment

> From: Patrick Lacson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I'm curious to what everyone's dev environment looks like.  

Dev: Athlon XP2200, 1Gbyte RAM, 80G hardware-mirrored HDDs*, Win2K
server, dual 1280x1024 TFTs.  Netbeans (when I have to), Ant, JUnit,
vim, CVSNT, putty.  Coffee machine next door - an important piece of
most developers' environments.

Test: 8-CPU Xeon 900, 2G RAM, 18G mirrored HDDs, Gentoo Linux, headless.
Ant, JUnit, vi, cvs, ssh.  In a secured machine room.  We're hacking
with a virtual file system and Tomcat internals, and we wanted a machine
where we could do some serious thread and load testing.  This came off
ebay for about $3k.

                - Peter

* Yes, it's a workstation.  No, that's not an excuse for a developer to
have the HDD as a single point of failure :-).  These HDDs are
deliberately from different batches and different sources, so that it's
less likely they'll fail at close to the same time.

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