
I use mod_jk with Apache 1.3.23 and Tomcat 4.0.2b.

I deploy everything on Tomcat, and configure DocumentRoot to point to
Tomcat's appropriate directory, say $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myapp.

It works w/ problems.

I don't think that the AddType, AddHandler stuff is for you. That's why
mod_jk and mod_webapp were invented. (with mod_jk you use eg. "JkMount
/*.jsp ajp13" in apache httpd.conf to tell apache to let tomcat process JSPs
using the AJP v 1.3 connector).


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Jack Frosch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 7:29 PM
|To: Tomcat-User
|Subject: Apache / Tomcat Content Handling
|Now that I have Tomcat 4.0x and Apache 1.3.23 playing nice together
|using the Warp connector, I'm wondering about how to deploy the content.
|For Tomcat to handle the dynamic stuff, it seems that I have to deploy
|all the JSP/Servlet files into Tomcat's webapps directory (unless I
|specify otherwise).  Apache will continue serving static content placed
|into the DocumentRoot directory.
|Is this correct?  Is there no way to simply tell Apache to server JSPs
|to Tomcat, rather than pass requests for JSPs to Tomcat?
|What I'd like to do is deploy the JSPs with the html files on the Apache
|machine.  When a JSP file requested, Apache would pass it to the
|registered Tomcat web app for compilation and execution, and Tomcat
|would pass the response back to Apache.
|I'd think this could be done with Apache's AddType, AddHandler and
|Action directives to cause .jsp files to be automatically passed to
|Tomcat.  It would work something like this:
|#register jsp type
|AddType text/html .jsp
|# register handler for type
|AddHandler tomcat .jsp
|# specify WebAppConnection as "path" for handler
|Action tomcat WebAppConnection
|This way, all the web content (including JSP) would reside on the Apache
|machine, all the Java stuff would be on the Tomcat machine, and there
|would be a better separation between the two.
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