Did someone already answer this? This is easy! In the examples directory you will find 
a jsp/protected (or protect/jsp) directory. In there are two form-based login jsps. In 
your web.xml where you specify the security constraints (near by?) you will change 
"basic" authentication to form. For an example see web.xml in examples

-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Jansson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 2:22 AM
Subject: Basic auth and form based login


I want to use protected folders within apache on netware and that works (basic 
authentication and mod_nds).

But I want to use form based login and when a user tries to use pages that is in those 
"protected" folders I dont want those annoying dialogboxes to appear.

How do I do????

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Magnus Jansson
Väddö folkhögskola
760 40 Väddö

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