keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file /tmp/mine.csr

make sure the root CA cert that signed your request is in you keystore or
cacerts file as a trusted certificate.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard S. Huntrods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 18 January 2002 6:28 AM
Subject: SSL and signed certificates...


I am hoping someone can provide some assistance regarding SSL and signed
certificates.  The Tomcat SSL-how-to FAQ stops just short of where I
need to be.

I have self-signed certificates working just fine with Tomcat 4.0.1.  I
created a 'csr' request from the working certificate (.keystore) file.
The signing authority returned a certificate.

I understand that this needs to be chained to the original self-signed
certificate, so that the .keystore file will then contain two certs -
mine and the signing agencies one.  This process is not working.

Some examples from this list indicate the use of the '-alias tomcat'
flag on all uses of keytool.  Unfortunately, the keytool docs explicitly
state that two certs in a .keystore file cannot have the same alias, so
this will not work when importing.  That is, this does not work (I tried

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -file /tmp/mine.csr
<paste this into the signing authority request, you get back a cert that
you paste into a new file, i.e. mine.cer>
keytool -import -alias tomcat -file /tmp/mine.csr
THIS LAST COMMAND DOES NOT WORK - you cannot add the new cert to the
existing keystore file with the same alias.  I get a java exception if I

So - how does one import the signing authority certificate and make the

If you leave off -alias tomcat on the import line, it *will* import and
create the chain, but the security level is uchanged from a self-signed
cert.  The reply from the signing authority is not included in the
certificate sent to a browser.

If you delete the self-signed .keystore and just import the signing
authority cert by itself, it works (even with the tomcat alias), but
then Tomcat ceases to serve secure pages (error 404 - not found).

SO (again) - how do I import the certificate reply from the signing
authority such that it works with tomcat?



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