I experienced the same problem.  It's due to a class loader issue.  Multiple class loaders have been introduced in V4.0 to implement the requirements found in Section 9.6.2 of the Servlet 2.3 Spec.  These class loaders are used to load all of the jars and classes rather than using the CLASSPATH.
I was able to resolve this problem as follows :
-  Add all supporting jars for your web application (except J2EE jars) to the /WEB-INF/lib directory rather than including them in the CLASSPATH
-  Add all of the required classes for your web application to the /WEB-INF/classes directory rather than including them in the CLASSPATH
-  Add the j2ee.jar from the /j2sdkee1.3/lib directory to the TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib directory.  All J2EE platform classes must be placed in the common/lib or common/classes directories rather than with the web application.
Wells Tiedeman
YOUcentric, Inc.
P: 704.401.1109
F: 704.401.1240
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-----Original Message-----
From: Vernon Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: ServletException in 4.0b5

I move one our small JSP application from 3.x to 4.0b5 for the reason of using servlet 2.3 specification: ServletContextListener, HttpSessionListener be more specific.
I get the exception under the 4.0b5 with the following messages:

Exception Report:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Class abc.control.ControllerServlet is not a Servlet

Root Cause:

java.lang.ClassCastException: abc.control.ControllerServlet
There is not any indication that anywhere my code is not approprt. What I shall do at this situation?
I believe that I encounter the similar situation in the 3.x, and it can be resolved by recycle the Tomcat server. That method doesn't work for 4.0b5.

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