I saw some items about this on the JBoss list.
I think that what you need is the JBoss 2.1 code, which is currently
only available in the CVS tree.
Basically, jBoss 2.0final is set up to work with mod_jserv, and mod_jk
support is in devleopment.
I've just started looking at JBoss, so I haven't tried this yet myself,
but some of the people on the mailing list have been experimenting with it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Mayes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 6:20 PM
> Subject: Tomcat+Apache+JBoss: Is this possible?
> Hello, all.  Is it possible to get an EJB container stuffed into Tomcat
> while still piping stuff through mod_jk to Apache?  I have the
> Tomcat+Apache thing working quite nicely (After dinking with it for a
> couple of days and finally getting it in working order, I discovered
> that the .debs for Tomcat and mod_jk had finally made it into the Woody
> tree :-P), but we're starting to gear up to use EJBs for a project at
> work (whether we actually need to or not is another matter...), so I'd
> like to set up an EJB container to practice making EJBs (I just started
> learning about 'em on Thursday, so I have a lot to learn).
> I wasn't able to find a thread on this or the JBoss list where someone
> had actually gotten the three pieces to work together (Though someone
> did ask whether it was possible on the JBoss list... no definitive
> response).  
> So, before I go and wreck my perfectly happy Apache+Tomcat setup, has
> anyone gotten EJB working correctly without messing up the mod_jk link?
>  I don't particularly care which EJB container I use (though I do
> require that it actually works, of course) since I don't plan on using
> EJBs for any of my personal projects (It'd be overkill for 99% of what
> I do).  It's just for practice.
> If it's not possible, is there a simple way to have an instance of
> Tomcat+JBoss working alongside an instance of Apache+Tomcat?  Would
> this be a resource hog?
> TIA,
> -Chris 
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