
>1. Implement my engine in Tomcat JVM.
>2. Implement it in a JVM outside Tomcat and communicate with the webapp
>thru DB.
>   (so almost have 2 independent apps that use the same DB)
>3. Implement it in a JVM outside Tomcat and communicate with Tomcat JVM
>I like 1. because all would be in one place, and I would use DB
>pooling provided
>by Tomcat.

It's also good because you will be able to easily monitor and manage the
DB threads via a web interface if you'd like.

>I like 2. because I understand it is bad to open new threads in Tomcat.

You understand incorrectly.  It's not bad to start new threads in
tomcat.  It's bad to start badly-written threads.  When you use your own
threads, either make them daemons or make sure they terminate properly
when your webapp shuts down.

The performance overhead of creating and running 7 threads is negligible
on a modern machine and JVM.

Yoav Shapira

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