First, I would suggest posting only in plain text messages to this
list - a number of readers don't support HTML email and, therefore, have a
hard time reading your message (probably not what you want).

        Second, in the same directory as the .dll file, there is a .zip file
named something like isapi_redirect.dll.  This file contains the .dll zipped
up so that it won't become corrupt during the download.  Usually this is not
the problem, however.  Its almost always typos in the registry.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Kemdirim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 7:09 AM
Subject: help isapi_redirect.dll problem


Could someone tell me how to obtain a non corrupt version of the
isapi_redirect.dll. I have spent several hours trying to get the dll to load
successfully (i.e. obtaining the upward green arrow). 

I am running windows 2000 professional, and using IIS5.0, along with
Jakarta-Tomcat 3.2.2. I have checked and rechecked all my settings, I have
even successfully loaded other dll files. I have tried to download the
zipped version, nothing seems to work

Could you please help, or post a more up to date no corrupt version of this



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