you are missing a DLL or something from your PATH variable,
Eclipse is probably setting this for you, inside eclipse, print
java.library.path variable from System.getProperties() at least that is what
I think it is, to be on the safe side do a



-----Original Message-----
From: John MccLain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:00 PM
To: Tomcat user list
Subject: java system toolkit (opensource) servlet access question

I would like to use the cool opensource project JST, which accesses windows
I wish simply to read a value from it.
When I run the sample app in eclipse, it works fine - I get my registry
But when I run it from a servlet I get the following error:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jst in java.library.path
The JST code is JNI code that links to a .dll file (jst.dll)
does this have something to do with it?? Why should it run different
in a servlet container than as a standalone app? - From the error above,
How do I set my java.library.path to include jst.dll??

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