You have a bunch of servlet-mappings in your web.xml file that map that maps
the jsp URL to the pre-compiled class. Jspc will generate these for you.
One gotcha with doing this is that TC 4.x won't find welcome-files (e.g.
index.jsp) unless there is an actual file with that name. The file can be
nd compilation of a web application before putting it
in production".
I would be interested to hear how and what you do..
-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 June 2003 19:01
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: precompiled jsp's as a
- Precompile your jsp's
- Precompiling also involves changing your web.xml to map jsp files to the
compiled version of your class
Precompiling involves translating your jsp's to class files webapp build time
(instead of run time) via jspc(?). The class files will reside in your