Re: RE : tomcat-user Digest 20 Mar 2005 16:09:13 -0000 Issue 5487

2005-03-21 Thread Jess Holle
Isn't a firewall what you really want/need, i.e. to disallow connections to port 8009 except when they come from your IIS server? VAN DER MARLIERE FREDERIC wrote: In fact, what I really want is to prevent any other IIS or Apache to connect to my 8009 connector port, for my IIS machine is used for

RE : tomcat-user Digest 20 Mar 2005 16:09:13 -0000 Issue 5487

In fact, what I really want is to prevent any other IIS or Apache to connect to my 8009 connector port, for my IIS machine is used for authentication. I don't want that someone can bypass this. I tried to use a Request Filter valve by adding this in my server.xml : But it doesn't work. Even i