
Thanks for replying. No, I'm not using servlets to read the files.

The files are being served directly by tomcat. I have configured tomcat
to allow directory linstings, so I can see the files in the directory
and click on it directly.

By the way, the same problem occurs with files that have spaces in their
names. If I try to download a file named "this is an example.txt" the
same error occurs. The file name is encoded to
"this%20is%20an%20example.txt" and after that I'm not able to download

Using your sugestion, I created a small jsp with the following code:

String s = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(
"http://localhost/tomcat-docs/acentua%C3%A7%C3%A3o.txt";, "UTF-8" );

It works fine. I was able to download the file. The problem is that as I
said, the files are being served directly, and I am trying to understand
why tomcat isn't able to decode the url properly... Well, I'm not sure
if this is or not a tomcat misconfiguration problem...

Thanks again,


-----Mensagem original-----
De: Robert Harper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviada em: terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2005 11:12
Para: 'Tomcat Users List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Assunto: RE: Problems serving files to download

Try the following if you are trying to read the following in a servlet:

String s = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(
"http://localhost/tomcat-docs/acentua%C3%A7%C3%A3o.txt";, "UTF-8" );

You can read the file and write it out to the response stream. Since
this is a text file it will be displayed in the browser window. The user
may then save the file from the browser. 

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto Rios [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:49 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Problems serving files to download

I have a tomcat 4.1.31 (j2sdk1.4.2_08) running in a linux rh9 box. It's
a fresh install.
I'm from Brazil, so I've configured my linux to use pt_BR.ISO-8859-1. If
I type locale, everything is ok.
My CATALINA_OPTS has the "-Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1"
I have no problems with my applications. Everithing works fine. All my
pages are compiled fine, my servlets work fine, etc...
But, if I try to serve files to download, and this files had special
characters like çãí....etc, when I click the file name (that is
displayed right), I receive the 404 HTTP error.
For instance: using vi, I created a file named "acentuação.txt" inside
the tomcat-docs directory. When I try to access this file, it's name is
encoded to "acentua%C3%A7%C3%A3o.txt" (the address shows
http://localhost/tomcat-docs/acentua%C3%A7%C3%A3o.txt), and after that I
can't access it. I tryed to use Firefox (1.0.4) and IE 6, but I got the
same problem
How do I manage this? Who encoded the name?

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