On Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 8:24:02 PM, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

GN> What connection pool are you using, DBCP?

    Not sure what DBCP is. I just followed the example in the Tomcat
    documentation under "JDBC Data Sources" at

    and it works fine except for that problem of killed connections
    cause the application to not pick up valid new ones thus breaking
    the application to a halt.

    Thanks for any more information/suggestions you could provide.

GN> Rick Reumann wrote:
>> I have connection pooling set up on Tomcat. In my server.xml file I
>> have added to the ResourceParams:
>>  <parameter>
>>   <name>validationQuery</name>
>>   <value>SELECT 'CRAP' FROM DUAL</value>
>>  </parameter>
>> The connection pooling seems to work fine, UNLESS the connections are
>> manually killed (which are DBA ends up doing each morning for some
>> reason when she comes ..just because she hates some of us:). When the
>> connections are killed no one is able to do anything because the
>> following error comes up:
>> java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01012: not logged on
>> Is there some way I can get this pooling to still work even if the
>> connections are manually killed? I thought by adding the
>> validationQuery param this would fix the problem, but it didn't.
>> Thanks for any help.




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