Hi, I am facing this problem. The Form Based Realm Authentication is not able to recreate the original post request.
To recreate the problem: -Request a page protected with Form Based authentication. -Login to the application. -Stop at a page which has a form with method "POST", till session times out/context is reloaded. -After session times out, Hit the submit button, you will be asked to login again. -org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenicator saves the request parameters with the request in session, before taking you to the login page. -After successful login, it should take you to the orgininal URI requested along with FORM parameters. But one gets redirected to the original request URI. All the parameters with the request are lost. Either the user should be forwarded to the original request URI, or the Form Parameters with the original request should be saved as query string to be appended to the request URI, so that even after redirecting to the original URI, we have access to the parameters. Would like to know whether it is a bug in tomcat or something else. Thanks in advance. Raman