using tomcat 4.0-b3

I am trying to wrap every page that someone requests in layout.jsp.

I set up a filter which matches on all urls.

I wrap the HttpServletRequest, and overide the getServletPath and
getRequestURI to return my layoutpage.

Everything works great as long as the page I request ends in .jsp
(whether the page exists or not, as I am not actually displaying the
requested page yet)

If the requested page does not end in .jsp, then it still goes to my
layout page, but does not interpret it as a jsp page so I just get all
the jsp code as text in the browser.

In summary, I have completely modified the request so that it is
requesting layout.jsp, but it seems that it somehow remembers the
original request and won't process the jsp page as a jsp page if the
original request was not for a jsp page.

Is this a bug or am I missing something here?


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